Archive | August, 2014

Amazing One-take Projection-Mapping Music Video with Irma’s “Save Me”

15 Aug

Amazing One-take Projection-Mapping Music Video with Irma’s “Save Me”. I am blown away how simple and yet well made this music video is. It also helps that the song is really catchy 🙂

I have before on The Danish Designer blog written about 3D projections and so forth – I thought this music video with Irma and her song “save me” i right up there with the other videos I have shared.
Let me know or share in the comments if you also have some amazing links to videos like this…

See the video with the Cameroonian singer-songwriter Irma and her “Save me” song here on Vimeo. Directed by Xavier Maingon and designed by french designers at SuperBien:

Previous posts with Projection-Mapping:
Wonderful commercial: Hyundai Accent 3D projection mapping

3D on Christiansborg building.